Get Your Educational Studies Degree

This is a non-certifying program within the Division of Education where you can explore the foundations of education to include developmental psychology, 政治 advocacy, and instructional pedagogy. We prepare you to be "Learner Ready” in guiding the development of twenty-first-century learners to become contributing members of a diverse, global community through an emphasis on effective communication, 领导, 和协作.

Educational Studies Program Highlights 

  • Become a collaborative professional, committed to advocating for all learners.
  • Prepare for careers in education-related services and non-traditional education settings. 
  • Learn about education without obtaining a public school teaching certification.

形态 & 好处

Get a traditional college experience with lively in-person classroom discussions and close proximity to your professors, 导师, 最好的朋友. 


1月 & 8月  

  • Semester-Based Timeline
  • Face-to-Face Instruction (some 在线 options)
  • In-Person Office Hours & 支持
  • 的关系 & 网络
  • 课外活动 & Immersive Campus Experience

Get a degree that fits your busy lifestyle while benefiting from in-person instruction, social interactions with classmates, and networking on campus and throughout the capital city. 


1月 & 8月

  • Semester-Based Timeline
  • 晚上 Classes (M-Th, 5-9pm)
  • Face-to-Face Instruction
  • Transfer Up to 90 Credits
  • 10-Hour Weekly Commitment (varies)

Educational Studies 课程

主要 & 小的需求

Popular Educational Studies Classes

  • Preparation for 职业生涯 in Education
    Create lesson plans and navigate the evaluation process for South Carolina public schools.
  • Moral and Political Foundations of Teaching 
    Explore education in the United States from historical, 社会学, 政治, and moral perspectives. 
  • Assessment of Literacy
    Use assessment tools to plan and evaluate effective reading and writing instruction.

Steady 就业 Opportunities

Education occupations are expected to see above-average job growth between 2021 and 2031, 超过650人,000 new jobs created over this decade (BLS).

Set a Strong Foundation

  • 学术顾问
  • 职业咨询
  • Teacher's Assistant
  • 管理员
  • Non-profit agencies
  • Social service agencies

在线米.Ed. 度

Specialize with in-demand topics and become even more marketable with a master's degree. 火博体育的米.Ed. programs cultivate your 领导 potential with purpose. 查看火博体育1-year education master's degrees.

Student Experiences

Student Experiences

"The Educational Studies Program gave me a different approach to explore my career and an alternative route to becoming a certified teacher. I was able to advance my education despite the many challenges that come with being a full-time employee, 两个孩子的母亲, 一个妻子, and a full-time student. I'm truly thankful for everything I learned during my years at 哥伦比亚大学."

Latonia一. Ishmal

Educational Studies, B.A. '17, Innovation and Divergent Learning, M.A. '20


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