
mariah williams originalIt’s ok to do things scared.    

This is the advice recent Columbia College graduate Mariah Williams wanted to leave with her fellow Columbia College students. Mariah shared that as an international student from the British Virgin Islands, getting involved on campus was intimidating. 然而, because she felt empowered to try new things – even though she was scared – she found a home at Columbia College. Mariah finished her high school career at Lugoff-Elgin High School. Because of this positive experience, she chose to stay in South Carolina to complete her bachelor’s in social work. After arriving at Columbia College, she discovered that living on campus would be an adjustment for her. She was tempted to retreat to her room whenever possible, but before long, Mariah realized that she wanted to be more involved in campus life.

Even though she was scared, she started a work-study program working in 学费 Accounts. Her position in 学费 Accounts led her to a position as Basketball Manager. Her position as Basketball Manager led her to the Columbia College Activities Board (CCAB), and by her senior year, she served as president. 一路走来, Mariah also served as an 取向 Leader for first-year students and the Social Work Honors Society. Needless to say, Mariah fell right into place as a campus leader because she was willing to “do things scared.”

Mariah credits Columbia College for the person she is today, an example of “the 4 C’s”: Courage, 承诺, 信心, and Competence. At Columbia College, she learned how rewarding it is to open 你rself up in order to make connections, staying true to 你rself and the qualities that make 你, 你! When asked what her favorite Columbia College memory is, Mariah shared that as president of CCAB, she was able to see and experience her impact on campus, and that is a feeling she will never forget.

Mariah Williams is a member of the spring Class of 2023, and she plans to start her Master of Social Work degree in fall 2023. As an institution, we hope to continue to empower students like Mariah to do things scared. The result is nothing short of inspirational.

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