August 10, 2020

Dr. Bogart at his desk.COLUMBIA, SC – The Columbia College Board of Trustees has elected William T. 汤姆·鲍嘉将成为美国第二十任总统,2020年10月1日生效.

Board Chair Thomas C. Keith said, 随着火博体育官网转变为新的男女同校,并扩大其在首都的作用, Dr. Bogart is well-positioned to lead the college into the future. 30年来,他一直是一位高效、创新和合作的高等教育领导者. 他对城市经济发展的学术关注将对学院和哥伦比亚市有价值.”

An accomplished academician, 鲍嘉在莱斯大学获得本科学位,在普林斯顿大学获得经济学硕士和博士学位. 从1990年到2002年,他是凯斯西储大学的教员, 2002年至2010年担任宾夕法尼亚州约克学院首席学术官,2010年至2020年担任田纳西州玛丽维尔学院院长.

在担任玛丽维尔学院校长的十年中,他的亮点包括领导两项全校范围的战略规划工作, 帮助获得了学院历史上最大的一笔捐赠,并将年度基金捐赠增加了40%, increasing net assets from $77 million to $145 million, increasing the endowment from $51 million to $91 million, and operating with a net unrestricted budget surplus every year. The College received multiple awards for beautification, sustainability, 气候变化倡议也给同性伴侣带来了好处, 并通过苏格兰科学火博体育计划(NSF资助)和“梦想家”倡议与平等教育机会合作增加了学生的多样性.

Trustee, alumna, and United Methodist minister, Rev. Tiffany Knowlin Boykin ’03, affirmed the selection. “Dr. 鲍嘉作为校长十年的经历和成就令人印象深刻,并将继续保持火博体育官网的积极势头. 他倡导与教会相关的高等教育,这预示着他与南卡罗来纳联合卫理公会(United Methodist Church)的年度会议有着更紧密的联系. 他对学生真诚的关心将受到在校学生和校友的欢迎.”

Dr. Bogart thanked the Board of Trustees and the Search Committee, noting, “It is an incredible honor to join Columbia College. The mission resonates with me, 它强调为学生的个人和职业成功做好准备,特别是它对服务的关注, social justice, and leadership. 火博体育官网以本科住宿文科为核心,结合研究生和在线教育的灵活性,以满足学生的需求,从而形成了自己的身份优势. 这种资产组合对于未来十年的繁荣至关重要, 并在州首府建立火博体育官网,成为一所创新的私立男女同校文理学院. 我很高兴能与火博体育官网社区合作,将其历史传统和使命扩展到新的人群中, while continuing to reinforce its distinctive sense of community.”

Tom is married to Mary Bogart. They have one adult daughter, Beth. Bogart will succeed Peter T. 米切尔自3月以来一直担任临时总统,并于1988年至1997年担任总统.

Other Biographical Background

Tom Bogart, 56, was born in Berea, 他在新泽西州上小学,在弗吉尼亚州上初中和高中.

鲍嘉获得莱斯大学经济学和数学科学学士学位, where he also played on the soccer team. 他在普林斯顿大学获得经济学硕士学位和博士学位. 他的论文探讨了州政府政策之间的关系, local government policy, home values, and voting patterns. 该论文获得了全国税务协会颁发的优秀论文奖.

鲍嘉的学术生涯始于1990年,担任凯斯西储大学韦瑟黑德管理学院的助理教授. He achieved tenure in 1996 and was promoted to Associate Professor. From 1999 to 2002 he served as Chair of the Economics Department. 从2002年到2010年,Bogart担任宾夕法尼亚州约克学院的教务长和首席学术官. Among his many achievements at York, he led regional reaccreditation, 促进九个学习项目的认证或重新认证, launched ten new undergraduate majors and three graduate programs, created the Center for Community Engagement and the J. D. 布朗创业中心,本科生入学人数增加了12%,全职教师人数增加了16%.

2010年至2020年,鲍嘉担任田纳西州玛丽维尔学院(Maryville College)校长. 他作为玛丽维尔学院校长的十年服务的亮点包括:领导两个全校范围内的战略规划工作, 帮助获得了学院历史上最大的一笔捐赠,并将年度基金捐赠增加了40%, increasing net assets from $77 million to $145 million, increasing the endowment from $51 million to $91 million, and operating with a net unrestricted budget surplus every year. The College received multiple awards for beautification, sustainability and climate change initiatives, added benefits to same-gender partners, 并通过苏格兰科学火博体育计划(NSF资助)和“梦想家”倡议与平等教育机会合作增加了学生的多样性.

鲍嘉在经济学领域撰写了许多文章和出版物,特别关注城市经济发展, the impact of school quality and public policy on housing markets, and evolving metropolitan structure.

During his time at Maryville College, 鲍嘉曾担任阿巴拉契亚大学协会的财务主管, Chair of the Association of Presbyterian Colleges and Universities, 田纳西州独立学院和大学协会董事会成员, 美国南方体育大会执行委员会成员,以及几个SACSCOC认可的来访团队成员. 在宾夕法尼亚州,Bogart担任多个领导职务,是YorkCounts区域战略规划和实施小组的一部分.

Teaching awards and honors include Undergraduate Teaching Award, Weatherhead School of Management: 2000, 2002; Helping Hands Award, CWRU Fraternities and Sororities 1998; Professor of the Year, Alpha Phi Sorority, CWRU 1998; Mortar Board “Top Prof” Award 1997, 2002; Undergraduate Teaching Excellence Award in Humanities and Social Sciences 1996; Carl F. Wittke Award for Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching 1994; Faculty Member of the Year, Mandel Center for Nonprofit Organizations: 1994; Honorary Member: Golden Key National Honor Society (1998).

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